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Officers and Committees
2023-2024 Altar & Rosary Society Officers
Spiritual Advisor      Fr. Daniel Gifford
President Margaret Chavez 309-714-4412
Vice President Shirley Heitzler 309-945-6868
Secretary Ellen Scranton  309-945-3937
Treasurer Joyce Webb 309-945-5706

Circle 2

Co-President Sheila Henson 309-716-8272 irishgranma38@gmail.com
Darlene Gramling 563-650-6369 dgramling41@gmail.com  

Meets 2nd Thursday 9:00 a.m.:  March, April, September, and October

Circle 4

President Shirley Heitzler 309-945-6868
 Vice President Irene Kemmis 309-944-5063 mothermayi53@gmail.com
Treasurer Kathy O'Rourke 309-502-1269 rdktorourke@gmail.com

Meets 2nd Monday 10:00 am in the Youth Room 

Circle 6

President Mary Anne Carius (309-9455936) / alltiedupstockties@gmail.com
Secretary Julie Schmid 309-944-6092
Treasurer Connie Bristol(309-507-0276

                                          Meets 3rd Wednesday of each month - 1:30 pm in Youth Ministry Room

Circle 14

President Karen Humbert 603-722-8693 auntcorkie@gmail.com
Vice President Pat Mariman 309-944-5400 Marimanauction@gmail.com
Secretary/Treasurer Joyce Webb 309-944-2848 webbja73@gmail.com
                                                                                Meets 1st Tuesday of each month - 1:30 p.m. in Youth Ministry Room

Funeral Committees

Committee A

Committee B

Committee C

Co-Chairs: Mary Anne Carius 309-945-5936 / Ellen Scranton 309-945-3937

Chair:  Rosemary Shoemaker 309-945-6738

Co-Chairs: Caryn Vandersnick 309-945-7360 Sue Weinert 309-714-0665

2019-2020 Altar & Rosary Society Officers
Spiritual Advisor      Fr. Mike Pakula
President Mary Ann Carius (944-5842)
Vice President Tessie Fredericks (944-8483)
Secretary Ellen Scranton  (944-6221)
Treasurer Sharon McClain (441-5815)

Circle 2

President Carol Ellis (944-2987) / cje4750gee22@gmail.com 

Meets 2nd Thursday 9:00 a.m.:  March, April, September, and October

Circle 4

President Kathleen Repass (269-3368) / Kathleen.Repass1@gmail.com

This circle does not have regular meetings. You can get information from Kathleen Repass 

Circle 6

President Mary Anne Carius (944-5842) / bridlesu@gmail.com

Meets 3rd Wednesday of each month - 1:30 p.m. in Youth Ministry Room

Circle 14

President Ruth Fleming (944-4382) / randr58@mediacombb.net

Meets 1st Tuesday of each month - 1:30 p.m. in Youth Ministry Room

Funeral Committees

Committee A

Committee B

Committee C

Co-Chairs: Marilyn McAvoy (944-2362) / Mary Anne Carius (944-5882)

Co-Chairs: Colleen Dodd (944-6056) / Rosemary Shoemaker (945-6738)

Co-Chairs: Betty Palaski (944-2912) / Mary Hughes (944-0649)