Beginning in 1997, St. Malachy’s Altar & Rosary Society has chosen two women to receive a “Volunteer of the Year Award” presented by the Diocese of Peoria.
ANYONE is eligible to nominate ANY woman in the parish for the Volunteer of the Year Award. Each parish in the diocese is allowed two award winners each year. The nominees do NOT have to belong to the Altar & Rosary Society. Nomination forms are available in the Parish Office or through each Circle President. Completed forms can be returned to the Parish Office or to any Circle President. The nominations will be reviewed by an A&R Selection Committee who will select two women from the list of nominees. Women who have been selected to receive the Volunteer of the Year award are not eligible to receive the award again. However, women who have been nominated but have not been selected to receive this award, are eligible to be nominated again.
- Donna Eechaute (Circle 2)
- Ellen Scranton (Circle 6)

Pictured are: Mary Anne Carius, Donna Eechaute, Ellen Scranton & Theresa Fredericks
A complete list of the recipients of the St. Malachy Volunteer of the Year Award is available through the St. Malachy Altar & Rosary Society circles.