OCIA, Order of Initiation for Adults, is a process by which adults come into our Roman Catholic Community. OCIA draws its model from the Acts of the Apostles whereby the early Church welcomed new members. What is more, OCIA is also open to persons already Catholic, but who may be interested in learning more about the richness of our faith. We welcome those who may be interested in observing any of the classes.
Keep in mind that OCIA is totally voluntary; you can participate in some or all of the weekly sessions. Consider spending time on your spiritual future; it lasts forever!
Sessions to begin October 8, 2024
and will meet Tuesdays at 6:00 PM
If you or someone you know is interested, please contact Dcn. Mike Sigwalt (msigwalt23@gmail.com / (309) 502-9243) (or) the Church office: 309-944-5393.
7 Reasons Someone Might Participate in OCIA:
1. A non-Catholic who has decided to become Catholic or is considering doing so…
2. A non-Catholic who has not decided to become Catholic, but is interested in learning more about what the Catholic Church actually believes and teaches…
3. A non-Catholic who has married a Catholic and is interested in learning more about their spouse’s faith, whether or not they have decided to become Catholic…
4. A non-Catholic parent(s) who has decided to send their child(ren) to a Catholic school and is interested in learning more about the faith about which their child(ren) is being taught…
5. A Catholic parent(s) who understands their role as first educator of their child(ren) in the faith, leading to a desire to renew or deepen their own faith formation…
6. A Catholic who has not yet received Confirmation and/or First Communion…
7. A Catholic who is interested in renewing of deepening their faith formation for any reason...