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Death of Fr. Michael Pakula

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Death of Fr. Michael Pakula
Dear Members and Friends of Saint Malachy Church and School,
It is with great sadness that I share with you the news of the passing of Father Michael Pakula. Father Mike served the People of God and the Geneseo community faithfully and tirelessly. Over half of his priesthood (twenty-five of almost fifty years since ordination) were spent as the Pastor of Saint Malachy.
Countless members of this community and passers through were fed with the Bread of Life from the hands of this kind and generous priest of Jesus Christ. He forgave your sins. He baptized many of you and your children. He presided at your weddings. He buried your loved ones. He visited you or your loved ones when they were ill. He preached the Gospel to you. He labored strenuously to lead this parish and school in a manner that promoted and facilitated the active engagement of its members. He promoted justice, kindness and charity within the Geneseo community, especially through his work with the Geneseo-Atkinson Food Pantry and Geneseo Ministerial Association. Even during his short time in “senior status” (the priestly equivalent of retirement), he still served generously, by remaining very active in his support of the Food Pantry, assisting frequently with Reconciliation at Saint Malachy and blessing people with his gentle, warm and cheerful presence in the community. Most recently, he had served our young children and their families, by assisting with First Reconciliation, just over a week ago.
It goes without saying that I know we will all turn to the Lord with great gratitude for this good and faithful servant of God, this priest who spent his life for us. As we turn to the Lord with gratitude, let us pray for his family, friends and for one another within this community, as we find ourselves together mourning a great loss. And let us also remember to repay his kindness by praying for his peaceful repose: Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the Mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Details regarding funeral arrangements will be forthcoming.
With gratitude and prayer
In the Lord Jesus Christ,

Fr. Daniel P. Gifford

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