First Grade: Creation/Family/Holy Family
- God made all things good.
- Humans are made with a body and soul.
- Humans are made to be happy and cared for, so God made families.
- Jesus was born into a family--the Holy Family.
- Being a member of God's family means loving and obeying, both God and our parents.
Second Grade: Every Person is a Child of God
- God made all human persons in His image and likeness.
- God made us able to know what is bad and good, and gave us the ability to choose called free will.
- God has a way to help us choose good and avoid bad things. This is called life in the Sacraments.
Third Grade: The Trinity/Mystical Body/Baptism
- God is a community of persons in the one God.
- This is the mystery of the most Holy Trinity.
- God made us in His image and likeness to live as part of His family, which is done through the Sacrament of Baptism.
- Children show love and obedience to God by showing love and obedience to their parents.
- God calls each individual family to be part of a larger family called the Church, which is the Church Jesus started and will last until the end of the world.
- When we live the virtue of Chastity it binds our families to the Church of God.
Fourth Grade: Our Relationship to God--Our Vocation (calling)
- God calls us to love God and our neighbor in service to Him in a particular way called a "vocation."
- There are four ways of living or vocations: Married Life, Priestly Life, Consecrated Life, or Single LIfe.
Fifth Grade: Knowing & Living the Truth=Forms One's Conscience
- Jesus wants us to know Him and follow the Truth.
- We are called to live out the Truth through the virtue of Chastity.
- Humans have dignity as adopted sons and daughters of God.
- God calls us to be prudent and make wise decisions, and to form our conscience.
Sixth Grade: True Love/Friendship
- God gives us virtues as a spiritual power, to live in purity and free from selfishness, to recognize our dignity as children of God.
- Modesty is another virtue we are called to live out in our quest for holiness.
- Chastity is lived in families to build an atmosphere of love, virtue and gratitude for God's gifts and helps us discern our vocation.
Seventh Grade: True Happiness/Freedom
- God has a plan for us to attain true and lasting happiness.
- True happiness comes from the proper us of our freedom.
- God is calling each of us to follow Him in a particular way.
- Our friends should help us to live according to God's plan.
- Chastity is a spiritual power that helps us follow God's call.
- When we live a prayerful, sacramental life built on solid friendships and chaste lives, we are better able to live the life God is calling us to.