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Human Dignity

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Human Dignity

First Grade: Creation/Family/Holy Family

  1. God made all things good.
  2. Humans are made with a body and soul.
  3. Humans are made to be happy and cared for, so God made families.
  4. Jesus was born into a family--the Holy Family.
  5. Being a member of God's family means loving and obeying, both God and our parents.

Second Grade: Every Person is a Child of God

  1. God made all human persons in His image and likeness.
  2. God made us able to know what is bad and good, and gave us the ability to choose called free will.
  3. God has a way to help us choose good and avoid bad things.  This is called life in the Sacraments.

Third Grade: The Trinity/Mystical Body/Baptism

  1. God is a community of persons in the one God.
  2. This is the mystery of the most Holy Trinity.
  3. God made us in His image and likeness to live as part of His family, which is done through the Sacrament of Baptism.
  4. Children show love and obedience to God by showing love and obedience to their parents.
  5. God calls each individual family to be part of a larger family called the Church, which is the Church Jesus started and will last until the end of the world.
  6. When we live the virtue of Chastity it binds our families to the Church of God.

Fourth Grade: Our Relationship to God--Our Vocation (calling)

  1. God calls us to love God and our neighbor in service to Him in a particular way called a "vocation." 
  2. There are four ways of living or vocations: Married Life, Priestly Life, Consecrated Life, or Single LIfe.

Fifth Grade: Knowing & Living the Truth=Forms One's Conscience

  1. Jesus wants us to know Him and follow the Truth.
  2. We are called to live out the Truth through the virtue of Chastity.
  3. Humans have dignity as adopted sons and daughters of God.
  4. God calls us to be prudent and make wise decisions, and to form our conscience.

Sixth Grade: True Love/Friendship

  1. God gives us virtues as a spiritual power, to live in purity and free from selfishness, to recognize our dignity as children of God.
  2. Modesty is another virtue we are called to live out in our quest for holiness.
  3. Chastity is lived in families to build an atmosphere of love, virtue and gratitude for God's gifts and helps us discern our vocation.

Seventh Grade: True Happiness/Freedom

  1. God has a plan for us to attain true and lasting happiness.
  2. True happiness comes from the proper us of our freedom.
  3. God is calling each of us to follow Him in a particular way.
  4. Our friends should help us to live according to God's plan.
  5. Chastity is a spiritual power that helps us follow God's call.
  6. When we live a prayerful, sacramental life built on solid friendships and chaste lives, we are better able to live the life God is calling us to.
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