Parish Nurse


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February is Heart Month

Having strong friendships is significantly linked to good health.  A three-year Swedish study of more than 13,600 men and women found that having few or no close friends increased the risk of having a first-time heart attack by about 50%.  (Bethesdahealth.org).  That is why being part of the church can have health benefits.

My heart is full.  I want to thank Father Gifford and everyone for their support while I was on a leave of absence,  Last year I got a new hip and 2 new knees.  I am in working order again.  My big concern is that I missed some health concerns of yours.  I definitely want to support you.  If I have missed something or can help you now, please don't hesitate to call.  

Other things that can help you with heart health

*Eat a healthy diet

*Get enough physical exercise

*Maintain a healthy weight

*Check your blood pressure and cholesterol

*Quit smoking

*Reduce stress and improve sleep

*Understand your risk factors

*Keep track of your heart health goals

*Tell your doctor how you are doing.

Heart Photos and Images | Shutterstock

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